defines an infrastructure-based strategic model, which allows businesses to re-launch themselves as their Digital Replication. In this context, entities are said to belong to the "old" or "new" economy, in according with their pertaining practices. The methodology includes 5 phases to a comprehensive re-enactment of the current business.
T'BRIDGE's main purpose is to bridge the gap between legacy organizations and the nascent Digital Enterprise Models,
by providing businesses with the means to turn themselves into its digital homologues.
T'BRIDGE builds a business digital projection which imbues current knowledge and business practices into an adjuvant environment that does not resist the new Electronic Domain Technologies.
T'BRIDGE quickens the enactment of a mirror digital entity of the mother company, which ingrains a digital offshoot, without losing the capabilities of the mother company.
T'BRIDGE provides an innovative framework to quicken the path to the new digital world, while lowering the uncertainty inherent to the sort of transformation intrinsic to business restructuring.
T'BRIDGE contends that current business practices inhibit the effective use of technologies designed for a different setting. Organizational Culture and Politics, human factors
and Physical Assets investment levels also contribute to this implicit resilience in the business, to become the same every time actions are taken to tweak its status quo.
In trying to inoculate
the business with isolated implementations of new technologies the business become sorts of a "technology jungle", getting more complex at every step we think we are making progress...So adding costs not the required functionalities, albeit some "productivity enhancement" resulting from the application.
The Business' Digital Hologram©
is the enacted entity which projects the current business into the Digital Economy. The BDH comprehensively mirror the current business into its Digital Replica or Homologue.
The Business' Digital Hologram is an innovative concept which quicken conversion (no evolution) to the Digital Business Domain in such a way, that it allots current business capabilities (core competencies, knowledge, brand, customers constituencies, intangible and Intellectual assets) to the new entity, preserving the mother company domain strengths
and intrinsic competitive advantages; while, at the same time, ingraining only New Economy accepted practices in the revived business entity.

Current technology implementations are persuasively push-sold into the business by deft account executives, whose main drives are really "hardware or software sales goals"; and not value-added implementations of their offers, from the organization vantage point.
We are confronted with the fact that, even with the enactment of Digital Signatures Acts and a slew of related laws being promulgated around the world, most entities will continue their current practices for long, due to the following Inhibitors:
- Current business practices: Some businesses practices are so rutted, that changing them may mean changing the people. Through the years, people develop relationships and they will, up to a certain point, protect one another at the expense of the company.
- Huge Base of Capital Assets: Companies with very high stakes in infrastructure are naturally slow to take aggressive re-structuring because of the necessary amortization levied on the business physical assets.
- The "Human Factor": Big companies and middle-sized ones develop certain "status quo", in which people resides deeming their position more or less permanent. Usually, the stakes for these folks (in the form of salary, stock options…) are very high to risk innovating "beyond a reasonable point".
- The Generational Factor: Many members of the high level staff were educated in an environment which did not include the realm of the "New Economy" and, even when they are trying, these technologies really may pose an obnoxious take-in theme.
Fortunately, there are Catalyzers,
which are being overlooked by software builders and research companies alike….These catalyzers, if correctly used, may accelerate the necessary "New Economy Uptake". And the best part is, once the Vision is acquired there's not need to sell the technology, it's taken for granted you will need it to "enact" the mirror digital entity. And the practices….Obviously, you will need to fill in experts in the process to assure management certitude and low risk.
The Catalyzers are:
- Legal Framework: Digital realm laws are (being) promulgated in almost every country.
- Current Knowledge: Five/Ten years ago e-business was a fancy term, now is current practice.
- Technological Maturity: Available technology can do the job "for real".
- Real Options Posture:
CxOs are required to take a posture regarding the strategic options available to their companies. They MUST, either take a "wait and see", a "Real Options" or an "Orchestrator" seat.
T'Bridge is implemented thru 5 unambiguous phases to bring about the Digital Hologram. Each phase has a precedence relationship, meaning the next is not executed till the predecessor phase is not concluded (tiered delivery). This sequencing assures that investor's money is not expended without results. Also, deliveries are clearly defined for each phase.
On time, original business departments become "externalized" resource providers to the Digital Hologram. Location becomes unimportant, as long as the services are rendered. Later on, these externalized entities may even provide services to other business entities inside or outside their vertical markets. Granted, they are support (context) units and not core business or strategic units. Even legacy technologies become "resources" to the virtual company. All "today's business content" is carefully and unobtrusively included.
But what makes this concept "tick" is the set of capabilities in the Digital Hologram are not constrained by the rutted processes, people conflicts, existing practices or simple human greed arising from leavening a "new company" into an old one.
T'BRIDGE ratchets up innovation and current business initiatives which are beneficial to all parties and stakeholders (The host business, the software and hardware vendors, the consultants…):
Once this "vision" is accepted, everybody just rallies to sell. No need for building the "problem" the suits the solution.
T'BRIDGEset forth an entire new way of looking into the same problems. A desirable option for road-weary, presentation-tired software and hardware account executives…
T'BRIDGE is also a disruptive innovation: Industry players willing to outperform their competitors will do so because T'BRIDGEwill change the rules software and hardware sale, by reverting the current "push" model to a more edible "pull" model.